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The course is made up of 20 segments.  Each segment has a map and a course description to help you find your way.  Some segments include bonus challenges.  You can upload any photos during or after your segment.

Plan to arrive at your starting point early, in case you have difficulty with parking.

In most cases, the segment starting point will be in a park with water and toilets.  The handover point will be near the amenities block.  Read the segment description for details.  A Support Crew will be waiting for you at every handover point with ice blocks, cold water and first aid.    

Live Updates
The Support Crew will do live Facebook feeds at hand overs during the relay.  We recommend upcoming teams keep an eye on the Event Page to watch the baton’s progress to ensure they arrive in time.  

The Baton
The Banana Baton contains a timing device.  The first Baton Runner will start the timer and the last will stop the timer.  Please don’t stop or pause the timer at any other times!  Try not to adjust the position of the timer on the outside of the baton, as it’s connected to a battery inside the baton.

Runners will always be in pairs as a minimum and have contact details of the Support Crew.  It’s not a race, so please cross any busy roads at the lights rather than making risky crossings.  Also, it could be warm so don’t forget to stay hydrated and wear sunscreen.

Bring the baton home!
Come down and join in as the Baton is brought to RJ home base at Underwood Park for drinks, food and celebration.

Course Map

104k Relay Segments Overview

All the information you will need about each segment

Underwood Park to Bulimba Creek Bikeway, Eight Mile Plains

Distance:   7.0 kmStart:   5:00am
Water:  Near start and near endToilets: Near start and near end

Click here for Garmin link 

The relay will kick off at the RJ start line.  Head out past the 1k mark all the way to Priestdale Rd.  Turn left onto Priestdale Rd and continue straight through the roundabout before turning right at School Rd (where the Metro Depot/worksite).

At the end of School Rd, turn left and follow Miles Platting Rd over the Gateway Motorway.

The pedestrian overpass is on the right hand side of the bridge. After that keep going straight and then turn right after the busway carpark (onto Holmead Rd). The next runners and support crew will be just ahead on the right (at the start of the Bulimba Ck Bikeway).

Fun Facts:
Rochedale was named after Thomas Roche, who was a fruit farmer in the area in the 1870s.

Bulimba Creek Bikeway to Stackpole Street Dog Park

Distance:   3.4 km

ETA of baton:   5:42am

Water:  Water is available at the busway station, the start of Wishart parkrun and at the end. 

Toilets: Toilets at the busway station and the finish.

Click here for Garmin link


Stay on the Bulimba Creek Bikeway.  Turn right at the first bridge.  This takes you to the start line of Wishart parkrun.  Keep going until you reach the next runners and your Support Crew at the Stackpole Street Dog Park.

Stackpole Street Dog Park to Mansfield parkrun

Distance:   4.5 km

ETA of baton:   6:13am

Water:  At the start and along the way

Toilets: At the start
and the sportsground on Wecker Road.

Click here for Garmin link


Continue along the bike path and run under the
Mt Gravatt / Capalaba Rd bridge.

Stay on the path and run under the Wecker Road bridge (about 2.3km into this segment).  The path turns left and takes you to Tones Rd.  Turn right onto Tones Rd, then first left into O’Connor Cres.  Keep running until the road bends to the right.  Now look for a footpath between the fences on the outside of the bend.

This path is short and connects to another path where you turn right.  You’ll be looking at a decent hill.  That’s OK – we love hills!  Run to the top, cross the road and enjoy the downhill section.

Now you’ve entered the Mansfield parkrun course!  Stay on this concrete path (don’t turn at any of the junctions – just go straight) and in 1.4km you’ll arrive at the Mansfield parkrun meeting point.

Mansfield parkrun to Carindale Reserve Playground

Distance:   5.1 km

ETA of baton:  6:46am

Water:  At the start and the end

Toilets: At the start and the end

Click here for Garmin link.


Starting at Mansfield parkrun, head north (toward Pine Mountain Road).  Take the path up to the road, then turn right and cross the bridge.  After the bridge there is another park on your right.

Keep right as you enter the park  and find the underpass going under the road.  When you come out on the other side, turn right (golf course will be on your left).  Continue to the roundabout and turn left onto Scrub Rd.  You’ll see a pretty steep hill but you’ve got that no problems! Go up and turn left on to Kilmorey Street, then Eromanga Street.

Enter the park at the bottom of Eromanga St and follow the main path.  Follow the signage toward Carindale and Minnippi parklands.

Your changeover point is the toilet block at Carindale Reserve Playground.  

Carindale Reserve Playground to Vicki Wilson Playground (Murrarie)

Distance:   7.4 km

ETA of baton:  7:22am

Water:  At the start and Minnippi parkrun.

Toilets: At the start and the far side of the Minnippi pond.

Click here for Garmin link.


This is nearly perfect – flat, shaded and very green (really just needs a hill),

Take the high path when you leave the amenities block at Carindale Playground.  You generally stay on this path, following the signage to Minnippi Parkland.

You’ll pass a canoe launching pontoon just before you commence the Minnippi parkrun course.  When you reach the parkrun bridge, take the left path all the way to the far side of the pond and then follow the road out of the park.

About 300m after leaving the park you’ll see another path on your left with signage to Wynnum Rd/Cannon Hill Shopping Centre.  Take that all the way to Wynnum Road.  There is an underpass about 50m to your left.  Follow the path, keeping Wynnum Road on your left (don’t go toward the Balmoral Cycling sign).

The next team and Support Crew will be waiting at Vicki Wilson Playground.

Vicki Wilson Playground (Murarrie) to Capt. Doug Hislop Park

Distance:   2.7 km

Approx arrival time:   8:13am

Water:  At the start and the end

Toilets: Near the start

Click here for Garmin link.

Start at Vicki Wilson Playground and head towards the train station.  Cross the train line, continue uphill, then turn left at either Garrett or Ives Street.  It’s possible that the street sign is missing, but if you turn at the top of the hill you’ll be fine.  Whichever street you choose, take it all the way to the other end and turn right onto Creek Road.

When there’s a safe opportunity, cross the far side of the road (being mindful that there is a fence on the far side in some places).  When you reach the intersection with Lytton Rd, you cross twice more (or three times if you didn’t get a chance earlier) to the North-East corner of the intersection.  It’s not a race so take as long as you need and please don’t stop the timer!

Follow Lytton Rd for about 150m and then turn left onto a park path that leads directly to your handover point.  The next runners and Support Crew will be waiting at a shelter just before the Brisbane River.

Capt. Doug Hislop Park to Hercules Street Park

Distance:   7.0 km

Approx arrival time:   8:35am

Water:  At the start and finish

Toilets: At the finish

Click here for Garmin link.


Follow the path under the bridges.  Try looking up when you pass under the bridge, it feels like you aren’t moving (just don’t trip).

Shortly after you pass under the bridge, you’ll come to a 3-way junction with steps on the right.  The winding middle path will take you to the pedestrian path of the bridge.  On the bridge, note the lane for pedestrians and others for cyclists.  Cross the bridge and the follow the signage for the Moreton Bay Cycleway.  The map doesn’t show it well but you pass under the motorway, then cross the road and take the cycleway, rather than going all the way to the next street.

Turn left onto Kingsford Smith Drive and follow it all the way to Hercules Street Park.  Just chill if you have to wait at an intersection – no rush!  Just don’t stop the timer!

Fun Fact:

The inclination of the gateway bridge(s) is 5.1 degrees and is 64.5 metres above the river at its peak.

Hercules Street Park to Powerhouse

Distance:   6.3 km

ETA of baton:  9:27am

Water:  At the start and the end

Toilets: At the start and the end

Click here for Garmin link.

This is an easy one to navigate. Continue on Kingsford-Smith Drive to get to the river, then stay on the riverside paths that take you the Powerhouse on the edge of New Farm Park.

Fun Facts:
The silver sheep’s name is Gloria.  Originally, the contact for the sculpture included an additional ram as her husband.  Unfortunately, the artist was unable to complete the work on the ram, so Gloria is standing on her own.

Powerhouse, New Farm to Captain Burke Park, Kangaroo Point

Distance:   5.3 km

ETA of baton:  10:08am

Water:  At the start and the end.
At least 3 more between bowls club and river walk.

Toilets: At the start and the end.

Click here for Garmin link.


Run through New Farm Park and the gates to Oxlades Drive.  At the bowls club, go through the carpark to the path that follows the river.  Follow the river all the way to the Howard Smith Wharf area.  Here, take the second cliffside elevator to the top of the cliff.

Take the path beneath the roadway to the Western side (city-view) of the bridge and cross the river via the Story Bridge.  At the end of the bridge, take Main Street all the way to Captain Burke Park at the end of the road where the next team and Support Crew will be waiting.

Fun Facts:

The roadway over the Story Bridge is the Bradfield Highway – the shortest Highway in Australia.

The top of the Story Bridge (74m) is higher than the top of the Gateway Bridge (64.5m).

Captain Burke Park, Kangaroo Point to Kurilpa Bridge

Distance:   4.5 km

ETA of baton:  10:45am

Water:  At the start and the end.
Several throughout the Kangaroo Point and Southbank (eg. immediately after the Goodwill Bridge).

Toilets: At the start.
Three more along the Kangaroo Point cliff boardwalks.
Southbank: behind the first restaurant after the Goodwill Bridge.

Click here for Garmin link.


This segment regularly features as part of the Brisbane Marathon course.

Just keep the river on your right the whole way.  When going through the Kangaroo Point cliff section, the path is divided for cyclists and pedestrians so stay of the cycleway.

To go through Southbank, you can take either the riverfront path or Arbor paths.  There will be more shade on the Arbor path and it is bike-free, but it is narrower and might be more congested. Take your pick!

The next runners and Support Crew will be waiting in the park after the river boardwalk, at the foot of the Kurilpa Bridge.

Kurilpa Bridge to UQ Eleanor Schonell Bridge

Distance:   7.1 km

ETA of baton:  11:17am

Water:  At the start and the end.
Also at ferry terminals and Guyatt Park

Toilets: In the GOMA (near start) and at Guyatt park (near the end)

Click here for Garmin link.


Cross the river at the GoBetween Bridge (not the Kurilpa Bridge) and then follow the river all the way around the bend, through Toowong.  Turn left onto Ryans Road and continue as it bends into Hiron Street.  This leads you into Guyatt Park.  Keep going straight through the park, along Macquarie Street and into UQ.

Follow the gravel path past the CityCat terminal to meet the new runners and Support Crew under the Eleanor Schonell Bridge.  

UQ Eleanor Schonell Bridge to Robertson Park

Distance:   3.7 km

ETA of baton: 12:10pm

Water:  Many along the way – including chilled water at the Gold Club.

Toilets: A few 100m from start at UQ swimming pool and at the end.

Click here for Garmin link.


Go under the bridge and cross the road.  Follow the lake path onto College Rd, then follow Sir William MacGregor Drive around the cricket ovals.

Turn left (Upland Street) and follow this road to the end of the golf club.  Cross the road into Robertson Park where the next runners and your Support Crew will be waiting for you.

Segments 12-15 are actually a loop connected by the Eleanor Schonell Bridge.  If you park near Harmony Gardens then walk across the bridge to the CityCat terminal you can join the baton on a 15km loop and finish back at your car.

Fun Fact:
Indooroopilly is an aboriginal word meaning Gully of Leaches.

Robertson Park to Graceville Netball Courts 

Distance:   3.6 km

ETA of baton:  12:35pm

Water:  At the start and the end

Toilets: At the start and the end

Click here for Garmin link.


As you begin, Lambert Street will be on your left.  Follow this street all the way to the railway line, where you will turn left and take the pedestrian bridge over the Brisbane River.

This path leads to Wharf Street (which soon becomes Oxley Rd).  You’ll need to cross to the opposite side of the road at some point, as you’ll have a left turn coming up in about 1km.  Cross whenever you feel it is safe to do so.  You’ll pass the AFL grounds and then the cricket oval.  Your left turn onto Acacia Avenue is opposite the cricket oval.

The next team and your Support Crew are just up ahead at the netball courts.


Segments 12-15 are actually a loop connected by the Eleanor Schonell Bridge.  If you park near Harmony Gardens then walk across the bridge to the CityCat terminal, you can join the baton on a 15km loop and finish back at your car.

Graceville Netball Courts to Ken Fletcher Park 

Distance:   3.1 kmETA of baton:  1:00pm
Water:  Along the way and at endToilets: Along the way and at end

Click here for Garmin link.


The path along Acacia Avenue leads you all the way to the road (Brisbane Corso) where you cross and the path continues.  Follow the path to Simpson’s Playground, cross the bridge and keep going along King Arthur Terrace.

You’ll find the Support Crew and next runners waiting for you at Ken Fletcher Park on your left.


Segments 12-15 are actually a loop connected by the Eleanor Schonell Bridge.  If you park near Harmony Gardens then walk across the bridge to the CityCat terminal, you can join the baton on a 15km loop and finish back at your car.

Ken Fletcher Park to Dutton Park Harmony Gardens

Distance:   4.8 km

ETA of baton:  1:21pm

Water:  At the start and the end

Toilets: On Cansdale Street (slightly off course) and at the end

Click here for Garmin link.


Starting at the amenities block continue on the path nearest to the river.  Eventually you’ll join a road.  Soon you’ll take a left (down a ramp) into Mooney Street.  Go straight for about 5 blocks (until the road ends in a T-intersection).  DON’T follow the “River Loop” signage for cyclists.  Instead, turn right and travel 2 blocks, then turn left into Eversley Terrace and go to the end.

You are now in Fehlberg Park.  Stay on the path and at any intersection  follow the drain all the way to the river.  At the river, turn right onto Brisbane Corso and follow it all the way until you pass under the Eleanor Schonell Bridge.

Shortly after the bridge is a path crossing a carpark entrance (left side of the road).

Catch your breath and sprint up the path that goes directly up the hill (because we love hills).  Your changeover is Harmony Gardens at the top of this hill.  Can you reach the top without stopping?

Tip: Segments 12-15 are actually a loop connected by the Eleanor Schonell Bridge.  If you park near Harmony Gardens then walk across the bridge to the CityCat terminal, you can join the baton on a 15km loop and finish back at your car.

Dutton Park Harmony Gardens to Holland Park Bus Station

Distance:   7.0 km

ETA of baton: 1:56pm

Water:  At the start and the end

Toilets: At the start and near the end

Click here for Garmin link.


This has some wiggles but it’s a great segment.  Start by following Gladstone Road toward the cemetery.  Cross to the other side of the road when it’s safe and continue until you cross the railway.  Then take a hard left and follow the railway on the other side. 

At the end of the road, there is an overpass which you can take to fly over Ipswich Road.  Follow O’Keefe Street and cross at the pedestrian crossing at the top of the hill. At the bottom of the hill, cross Junction Rd and enter the park on your right.  The paths here are the Stones Corner parkrun course.  Follow the main concrete paths all the way to where it ends at Sunshine Avenue, Tarragindi.

At this point, turn left and follow the street around the bend and up to the next intersection.  Here turn left again and enter the carpark of the nearby Bowls Club.  The concrete path (the old bikeway) now resumes, so follow that again.

Follow the old bikeway all the way to the Holland Park West Busway Station. It’s on your left soon after you pass the Shell petrol station.

Fun Facts:
This is the Stones Corner parkrun course, as well as the old bikeway (before the V1 was build).

Holland Park Bus Station to QSAC

Distance:   4.3 km

ETA of baton:  2:41pm

Water:  At the start and the end

Toilets: At the start (end toilets may be locked)

Click here for Garmin link.


From the busway, start on the shady path that begins on the Eastern Side of the busway (ground level).  Go through to Gaza Rd, then cross to Messines Ridge Rd and enter Griffith Uni Mt Gravatt Campus.

There is a path on the right-side called Inter-Campus Path, leading into the bush (about 100m before the roundabout).  Take that track.  It has a tunnel under the M1.  Stay on the main track until you reach University Rd of Nathan Campus.

Cross University Rd and continue on the path.  When the path takes a bend to the right, stay on the smaller path that goes straight ahead.  Basically, follow the cemetery fence on your left.  You’ll soon reach a sign that reads “All Gates”, and then surprise, surprise, there’ll be a gate.  You’ll know you’re near the end as this is the gate to QSAC.  On the QSAC ring road turn right.  Your handover point is the amenities block just after the training track.

The tunnel in this stage is fairly long.  The tunnel has lights but feel free to carry a torch just in case.

QSAC to Bonemill Road Park 

Distance:   5.5 km

ETA of baton:  3:14pm

Water:  At the start and the end

Toilets: At the end (start toilets may be locked).

Click here for Garmin link.


Take the ring road anti-clockwise, then take the path downhill toward Nissan Arena and go all the way to the crossing at Mains Rd.

Cross here and go straight.  At the first intersection go right onto Grout St.  Take this all the way to Kessels Rd, and cross and enter the carpark.

Within a few metres there will be a park path on the left.  Take that to the end,  turn left onto Grenadilla St, left onto Parkway St, and then right onto Springfield St.

Opposite house number 80 Springfield St, there is a bush path that you need to take.  The entrance is not obvious but it’s a good path once you’re on it.

Go straight until you reach the football fields, where you take the path to the left.  It leads around the field to McCullough St, where you have a pedestrian crossing.

From here follow the trail of parks and follow all signage to Daw Road Park and Bonemill Road Park.  Your Support Crew and the next team will be waiting for you at the carpark on the near side of Bonemill Road Park (on Daw Rd).

Bonemill Road Park to Svoboda Park 

Distance:   4.8 km

ETA of baton:  3:50pm

Water:  At the start and the end

Toilets: At the start and the end

Click here for Garmin link.


The beginning of this segment is a bit urban, but it gets better.  A lot better!  Begin on Daw Road and go to the shops at the corner of Warrigal Rd.  Cross Warrigal Rd (where there are even more shops) and follow around the corner to Underwood Rd.

You may be tempted to go straight ahead towards the finish line but it’s not enough ks yet!  Instead, only follow Underwood Rd as far as the Gateway underpass.  At this point, on the right you’ll find a yellow vehicle barrier next to a Brisbane City Council sign marking an entrance to a field.  Go around the barrier and take the path straight ahead and enjoy a few kms of wonderful scenery and cross-country.

The path will change several times between grass, concrete, boardwalk, and dirt until it comes out at Wally Tate Park near Kuraby Train Station.  At Beenleigh Rd, turn left and Svoboda Park will be about 500m ahead on your left.  Look for the Support Crew and the next team in the park.  

Fun Fact: You passed the Kuraby Train station.  The Duke and Duchess of York, stayed there overnight (aboard the Royal Train) in 1931.  This was the event that put Kuraby on the map.

Svoboda Park to Parfrey Shops

Distance:   5.8 km

ETA of baton:  4:24pm

Water:  At the start and the end

Toilets: At the start

Click here for Garmin link.


Starting at Svoboda Park, cross Beenleigh Rd at the lights and stay on Pioneer Dr until there is a big park on your left.  Turn left after the park (Millers Rd, then immediate right onto The Concourse (actually, you’re taking the park path).  Shortly after the lagoon, there is a roundabout, where you go uphill (staying on The Concourse).  Follow this all the way to the top.

Welcome to Underwood Tower (aka Underwood Spaceport).

The road you have reached is The Crescent.  Turn right and look for a track on the left after a few houses.  On that track take the first left to get onto Brierbank St and follow the roads and roundabouts downhill towards Kingston Rd.

Cross at the lights onto Ferguson St, then at the next lights cross Logan Rd and take the parallel service road on the right (with the taps and lighting store).  This leads to Springwood Rd, where you turn left.  Stay on this all the way up the hill to the traffic lights at Parfrey Rd.  Turn left at the lights onto Parfrey and go down to the roundabout where you go left again to still be on Parfrey Rd.

The final team and Support Crew are waiting just past the Parfrey Rd Shops.

Fun Facts:
The spaceport (more officially known as Underwood Tower, or Jacaranda Tower) has a nightly light show between 6 and 10 PM.  The colours in the light show relate to a local cause or event.  You can look up the schedule of patterns at

Parfrey Shops to Underwood Park

Distance:   1.3 km

ETA of baton:  5:02pm

Water:  At the start and the end

Toilets: Not far from the end

Click here for Garmin link.


Nearly there!  We know you know the way.

Time to run the baton home and enjoy a well earned drink.

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